Bronze vase inlaid with Orizuru Silver Sparrow Incense Burner Basket Ware Kimono Tray Ceramic Vessel Bronze Flower Vase Gilded wood figure of the Buddha Amida Nyorai Marble sculpture by Yamada Masaharu Porcelain Dish Black Lacquer Tray With Gold And Mother-Of-Pearl Decoration Gilded Wood Figure Of The Buddha Of Healing Two Fold Paper Screen Stoneware quail incense burner and celadon box by Yagi Isso Wooden box containing fans One Hundred Images Of Happiness Set Of Stone Fruits Bronze Flower Vase Two Fold Paper Screen Scroll painting by Zeshin Bronze flower vase by Toyoda Katsuaki Lacquer Flower Vase Zelkova Wood Base Bronze Sculpture Two Fold Paper Screen Set of five porcelain bowls Glass dish by Hisatoshi Iwata Two Bronze Moon-Shaped Ikebana Hanging Baskets Wood Mask For Shishi-Mai Festival Dance Silver Wall Vase Two Fold Paper Screen Set of five porcelain cups Bamboo Flower Baskets Wood Inlaid Box Wood Table Bronze Flower Vase Two Fold Paper Screen Wooden kokeshi doll by Shozan Bamboo Flower Baskets Silver Dish Ebisu Type Wood Kettle Hanger Hook Bronze Box And Cover View TEFAF 2016 Catalogue – Japanese Art Pair of lacquered wood candlesticks Ivory okimono of a half-peeled banana Two Lacquer Hibachi in the Shape of Pumpkins Ebisu Type Wood Kettle Hanger Hook Bronze Flower Vase Negoro lacquer low table Drawing of broccoli by Yuya Fujita Two-fold wood panel screen entitled Spirit of Pine Kyoto-Nagasaki Style Lacquered Tobacco Box on Copper Porcelain Vase Bronze Flower Vase Lacquer and mother-of-pearl inlaid plate Bronze ribbed vase Ivory okimono of an apple Bamboo Flower Basket by Noguchi Ushu (1947-) Porcelain Bowl Bronze Duck Box Bronze vase with heart-shaped design, by Hongo Toshihiko (b. 1947) Bronze sculpture by Masayuki Nagare Testing porfolio Bronze flower vase Copper Box Imitating Bamboo Porcelain Bottle Bronze Fish Hexafoil wood stand by Bunroku Lacquer box with stylized flowers by Shigeo Stone Axe Kimono Designs Pair of Ivory Parrots Pewter Flower Vase Bronze Flower Vase Bronze basin signed Baieian Lacquer vase on stand by Morita Seinosuke Ceramic storage jar, tsubo, with ‘oil spot’ glaze Bamboo Flower Basket Iron Sculpture Porcelain Bowl Bronze Flower Vase Sea chest funa-dansu of kakesuzuri type Lacquered wood suzuribako Metal sculpture Pewter Dish Bronze Deer Porcelain Vase Bronze Dish Wheeled ledger cabinet, cho-todana Cloisonné enamel vase with leaves by Akita Takayuki Bronze flower vase ‘Ryo’ by Orihara Kyuzaemon An Apple Branch Pair Of Bronze Goats Tobe Ware Porcelain Vase In The Korean Style Two Bronze Incense Burners Wood pillar-shaped sculpture by Yokoyama Miki Dry lacquer flower vase Ivory Kimono of an Apple Bronze Sculpture Porcelain Vase Bronze Flower Vase Porcelain leaf-shaped dish by Nonomura Ninsei A small selection of Japanese works of art on offer from Ben Janssens Oriental Art. We stock mainly pieces made for the Japanese domestic market, including sculpture, lacquer, metal and porcelain.